Application Services

Basic Package

Basic application development

Development of simple applications with limited functionality, ideal for small businesses or startups.

Basic application development

Development of simple applications with limited functionality, ideal for small businesses or startups.

Limited integrations

Basic integration with a few third-party services (e.g., email, social media)

Limited integrations

Basic integration with a few third-party services (e.g., email, social media)

Email support

Access to customer support via email for any issues or queries

Email support

Access to customer support via email for any issues or queries

Standard Package

Custom application development

More flexible and customized development tailored to specific business needs

Custom application development

More flexible and customized development tailored to specific business needs

Custom design options

Design tailored to the brand with custom themes and UI/UX enhancements

Custom design options

Design tailored to the brand with custom themes and UI/UX enhancements

Priority email and chat support

Faster response times with access to support via email and live chat

Priority email and chat support

Faster response times with access to support via email and live chat

Advanced Package

Full custom application development

Development of highly customized and feature-rich applications tailored to complex business requirements

Full custom application development

Development of highly customized and feature-rich applications tailored to complex business requirements

Extensive integrations

Seamless integration with a wide range of third-party services, including enterprise software (e.g., ERP, CRM)

Extensive integrations

Seamless integration with a wide range of third-party services, including enterprise software (e.g., ERP, CRM)

Advanced user authentication

Features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access control

Advanced user authentication

Features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access control

Fully custom design

Unique and tailored design from scratch, ensuring a perfect match with the brand identity

Fully custom design

Unique and tailored design from scratch, ensuring a perfect match with the brand identity

Proactive monitoring and maintenance

Continuous monitoring, regular updates, and proactive maintenance to ensure the application runs smoothly and securely

Proactive monitoring and maintenance

Continuous monitoring, regular updates, and proactive maintenance to ensure the application runs smoothly and securely

*All packages represent an average example. Every order is designed, tailored and priced in accordance with the buyer

*All packages represent an average example. Every order is designed, tailored and priced in accordance with the buyer